Regional Agency for the Development of Industrial Areas
Regione Calabria with regional law no. 16 of 29 March 2024 established the Regional Agency for the Development of Industrial Areas and for the Attraction of Productive Investments in order to strengthen the production system, encourage investments and settlements, increase the competitiveness of companies that operate or want to operate in Calabria.
Main functions of the new body:
Promote the establishment and development of businesses in Calabria
Assist investors in their establishment and project development
Offer assistance and promotion services for attracting productive investments
Promote investment opportunities

Industrial Areas
5,244 hectares
900 settled companies
16 industrial clusters
3 airports
7 national and international ports
5 retroport industrial areas

Dynamic research system
Southern Europe Thomson Back-Scattering Source for Applied Research (STAR)
National level research infrastructure located on the campus of the University of Calabria and offering advanced scientific investigation services in the field of fundamental and applied research on materials
Its heart is the STAR-Lab which hosts a powerful, newly developed X-ray source equipped with an experimental microtomography station (μTomo1) which allows the examination, through the acquisition of very high-resolution three-dimensional images, of the internal structure of materials, from those used in the biological and biomedical fields to those that constitute archaeological finds and even advanced materials for engineering and nanotechnology.
Active laboratories
Researchers involved
Spin-off supported
Millions of euros invested

Young people and the training and research system
63.2% of companies report high ease in recruiting workers, ranking Calabria the 5th region among Italian regions.
Calabria is the 4th youngest region in the country (45.7 years vs. 46.4 Italy average).
The youth sector shows a high entrepreneurial vocation, with Calabria ranking 2nd in the youth entrepreneurship rate (6.6% vs. 5.6% Italy average).
The University of Calabria ranks 3rd as the best university among major public universities* (after Pavia and Perugia), 2nd in the provision of scholarships and 1st in residence and canteen services.

Geographical centrality and integrated logistics
Logistically connected to over 60 ports in the Mediterranean and 120 worldwide.
Linked to the main European railway corridors through the Tyrrhenian railway line (Battipaglia-Reggio Calabria) and the Adriatic.
International accessibility also guaranteed by the port.
From Suez to Center Europe
- Via Rotterdam -> 13 days
- Via Gioia Tauro -> 5 day

Gioia Tauro is the first Italian port for transshipment, ranking 6th in the Mediterranean and 8th in Europe.
Thanks to infrastructure investments Gioia Tauro is the second port in Italy for connectivity index in 2024.
Gioia Tauro is the first Italian port for growth between 2019 and 2021 (about +624 thousand TEU), in stark contrast to other national and international ports.
40% of goods unloaded in Italy from non-EU countries pass through Gioia Tauro.
Dimensions of the port-channel:
- Length: 3.4 km
- Width: 250 meters
- Depth: up to 18 meters
The size of the yards equals more
than 200 hectares on lease.
It can accommodate 4 mega-ships and trains longer than 750 meters.