Incentives and concessions

Smart Specialization Strategy S3 Calabria

Innovation Areas

Regional Incentives for Businesses

Among the main benefits:

  • Grants for process and organizational innovation, for the implementation of industrial research and experimental development partnership projects, and for the consolidation and establishment of new businesses.
  • Grants for the creation and development of innovative production chains for the reuse, recycling, and recovery of materials from waste.
  • Grants for improving the energy efficiency of businesses.
  • Grants to support high-quality tourism accommodation.
  • Grants aimed at supporting and attracting investments, strengthening the regional production network, and providing opportunities for SMEs and large enterprises.
  • Business Competitiveness Fund (FCI) to support businesses in productive investments, fostering growth, technological innovation, Industry 4.0 transition, digitalization, circular economy, and sustainable development.


Special Economic Zones

The establishment of ZES gives companies located within them access to incentives (tax credits and reductions, the possibility of establishing customs free zones, administrative simplifications, access to existing infrastructure and services, strengthening of logistics and transport, etc.)


From 1 January 2024 with the decree-law n. 124/2023 Calabria is included in the Single ZES which also includes the territories of the regions of Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sicily, Sardinia


The directions, coordination, supervision and monitoring of the activities are entrusted to a Control Room created ad-hoc